4EU+ summer school taking place in July 2023


GLIORESOLVE PI Prof Ahmed Idbaih is leading faculty member for the upcoming 4EU+ Against Cancer: Summer School 2023, which takes place 2 - 5 July 2023 in Mariánské Lázně, Czech Republic. The 4EU+ summer school is an initiative funded by the European University Alliance and the Erasmus+ Programme.

Students from 4EU+ universities will attend courses covering all aspect of oncology research, from preclinical to clinical approaches, presented by experts of the field. 

Sessions will focus on basic, translational and clinical research in oncology, the basics of cancer treatments, bioinformatics and computational biology and drug development.

For more information, please visit the website here: https://4euplus.eu/4EU-16.html?event=25631&lang=en For the programme, you can click here: https://tarantula.ruk.cuni.cz/UDALOSTI-25631-version1-programme_2022ss.pdf

Applications to take part in this summer school are being accepted until 15th May 2023. Don’t miss out!

Liam Shiels